
McKesson Worldwide Vision Center

McKesson Worldwide Vision Center video wall display

McKesson is the oldest and largest health care company in the U.S. The McKesson Worldwide Vision Center occupies the entire second floor of its San Francisco corporate headquarters, showcasing the company’s products and services to more than 2,000 health care professionals each year.

Medical imaging technology has revolutionized how doctors measure, manage, diagnose and treat medical illnesses and conditions. By 2014, the Vision Center was featuring more than 60 products and services, including advanced medical imaging technologies, presented in many different health care settings. The content was remarkable, but McKesson’s existing audio visual system could not back up that claim. Presenters at the Vision Center were struggling with a four head computer system, each driving an individual display. The result was disconnected presentations that varied in resolution. The gap between the technology on display, and the technology used to promote it, undermined not just the quality but also the credibility of the presentation.

RGB Spectrum’s SuperView™ 4K multiviewer was chosen to make the Vision Center’s accomplishments shine. Prominently located among the exhibits, the SuperView™ 4K feeds the stunning Planar 85” 4K display. Avidex, a leading integrator on the West Coast, designed the new system to be an easy-to-use solution to allow the presenter to control slideshows, lights and audio.

“When we were planning this, I had the idea for a 4K display to replace the four separate resolutions, and RGB’s SuperView 4K was the only product that fit the client’s requirements exactly,” said Jim Scalise, Avidex General Manager.

RGB Spectrum’s robust API allowed the system to be controlled by an iPad. As the presenter moves to each display location, they can start and stop content and interact with the audience for real-time question and answer dialog.

The most important outcome is that the client’s expectations were met. RGB Spectrum’s SuperView 4K multiviewer delivered on their specific demands for the highest resolution possible, reliability even during power outages, and the ability to show radiological images at native resolution when desired.

“It’s one of the biggest ‘wow factors’ for visitors to the Vision Center! It is 100% completely rock solid,” said Jerry Thomas, ACSP Senior Support Analyst.

Компания RGB Spectrum — ведущий разработчик и производитель критически важных аудиовизуальных решений в режиме реального времени для гражданских, правительственных и военных организаций. Компания предлагает интегрированное оборудование, программное обеспечение и системы управления для реализации самых высоких стандартов. С 1987 года RGB Spectrum помогает своим клиентам принимать лучшие решения.Better Decisions. Faster.™