
RGB Spectrum’s MediaWall V: The World’s First True 4K UHD Video Wall Processor

RGB Spectrum’s MediaWall V: The World’s First True 4K UHD Video Wall Processor

RGB Spectrum is pleased to announce the launch of the world’s first true UHD video wall processor, the MediaWall® V, offering up to 4K resolution I/O, single wire connectivity and fully scalable windows.

The MediaWall V display processor features an architecture that combines the real-time processing and reliability of a hardware-based processor with the flexibility of a separate, dedicated processor to run applications. Add in integrated IP capabilities, extensive user-friendly features, enhanced security and an intuitive, easy-to-operate control interface. The result is a 4K wall processing system with unsurpassed power and versatility.

A true video wall is not simply a wall of monitors; rather, it is a continuous multi-screen surface upon which to display a combination of graphics and video. Not all systems that claim to be 4K wall processors provide video synchronization, required for the seamless display of high-motion graphics, or fully scalable windows, which allow imagery to be displayed anywhere, including across monitor bezels. The MediaWall V processor delivers all of these capabilities.

With a MediaWall V processor, you can display ultra high-resolution 4K video and graphics together with HD sources on a wall array of 4K UHD display devices. A 4K UHD video wall offers dramatically higher pixel density, with up to 4x more total resolution than a conventional HD video wall of similar size. With fewer bezels to interfere with displayed imagery, a video wall made of large 4K monitors further enhances the overall viewing experience. The MediaWall V processor’s 4K capabilities enable the display of more data and visuals in greater detail than ever before – improving situational awareness, assessment and response.

The processor also supports standard resolution display devices, while still delivering the benefits of ultra high resolution when 4K input signals are spread across multiple displays.

High Performance Video Processing

The MediaWall V processor supports up to 36 video/graphic direct inputs and up to 28 outputs/display devices. It processes a full range of input and output resolutions: 4K UHD (3840 x 2160), 2K (2048 x 1152/1080), HD (1920 x 1080) and others. Inputs are fully scalable, whether for output to a UHD video wall or for display on standard video walls. The processor supports IP decoding and display via an optional Application Processor (AP), which can decode IP camera and other H.264 streams. In addition, HDCP capability allows protected content, such as the output of a Blu-ray player, to be displayed on a video wall.

The MediaWall V processor can display any configuration of window layouts across a multi-screen array. Windows can be put anywhere, in any size, within or across screen boundaries, in any aspect ratio and zoomed in to emphasize details. Signal switching and preset layout recall are fast and seamless.

A purpose-built architecture dedicates processing resources for each input. This enables the MediaWall V processor to display each input in real-time at full color, frame and pixel rates, without common video wall artifacts like dropped frames or image tearing. The result is superb performance and an enhanced visual experience.

A hybrid architecture, with two separate processing subsystems, isolates video wall processing functions from application processing, allowing the wall display to operate continuously even in the event that the application processor is compromised by problems like malware, memory leaks in software, etc.

Control Options

The MediaWall V processor offers a versatile range of control options. The built-in set-up and configuration GUI supports both local and remote access, "drag and drop" window positioning and scaling, wall layout presets, and input selection. In addition, our newly introduced VIEW Controller adds a graphically-enhanced user interface with live thumbnails to enhance system operation. The processor can also be controlled by a variety of third-party devices.

For the ultimate in flexibility, the MediaWall V processor is compatible with RGB Spectrum’s MultiPoint® Control Room Management System (Enterprise MCMS) — an innovative hardware and software platform that provides operators with arbitrated keyboard and mouse (KVM) control over system resources.

Enterprise MCMS is ideal for use in mission-critical control room applications such as command centers, debriefing centers, security operations centers (SOCs), emergency operations centers (EOCs), industrial/process control and SCADA system monitoring. The system's unique design isolates critical systems from the network, effectively protecting sensitive data from external tampering, malware and viruses.

Powerful Capabilities in the Control Room and Beyond

A MediaWall V processor has the ability to feed a video wall plus auxiliary monitors or even multiple video walls, making it suitable for very sophisticated audio-visual environments.

With 4K UHD resolutions fully supported, the MediaWall V processor is ideal for graphically rich applications like simulation & training, modelling, and high-resolution video surveillance. In addition, when used with 4K projectors, the processor’s edge-blending support can generate immersive, whole-room UHD displays for museums, theaters, auditoriums and a range of other venues.

Компания RGB Spectrum — ведущий разработчик и производитель критически важных аудиовизуальных решений в режиме реального времени для гражданских, правительственных и военных организаций. Компания предлагает интегрированное оборудование, программное обеспечение и системы управления для реализации самых высоких стандартов. С 1987 года RGB Spectrum помогает своим клиентам принимать лучшие решения.Better Decisions. Faster.™