
University’s New Event Center Captivates Audiences with Dazzling Video Wall

California university video wall screens

A renowned university in California has expanded its facilities with a new 300-person event center to host alumni and donor events. The visual centerpiece of the event center is its massive video wall, designed by audio-visual consulting firm TEECOM. The video wall consists of 42 LED microtiles in a 6 x 7 array powered by RGB Spectrum's MediaWall® V display processor.

The MediaWall V processor is the ideal choice for increasingly popular LED video walls. LED displays have unconventional pixel resolutions. Unlike other video wall processors, MediaWall V has the ability to support LED displays' unusual requirements with customizable resolution settings.

TEECOM's engineers selected the MediaWall V processor for its exceptional image quality and its 4K UHD input and output support. They also liked the MediaWall processor's embedded architecture which avoids the kind of vulnerabilities to hacking and tampering a PC-based processor would risk.

The video wall was designed to present an impressive visual experience to enthrall viewers and inspire donors. The MediaWall-based system delivers the stunning visual impact the university was looking for. The processor allows the University to use any content source, such as PowerPoint presentations, local and national broadcasts, coverage of university sporting events, and promotional videos of the university and campus life. It consolidates the sources and displays them in multiple windows of any size, anywhere on the wall array. The versatile processor can even display overlapping windows and offers pan and zoom to view areas of particular interest within a source image. Presenters can select inputs and choose display layouts using a simple third-party touch panel controller.

Offering superior image quality, reliability, and feature-rich capability, RGB Spectrum's MediaWall display processor is an ideal choice for entertainment, sports and casino venues, lobby displays, and digital signage applications.

TEECOM is an engineering design and project management firm headquartered in Oakland, California. TEECOM provides an array of services including strategic consulting, technology project management, and engineering services for the IT infrastructure, wired and wireless networks, immersive environments, acoustics, audio-visual, safety and security systems. For more information, visit teecom.com.

Project Audio-Visual Integrator: ICS – Integrated Communications Systems. ICS is a multi-disciplined communications contractor/integrator serving audio-video, fire/life safety, enterprise security, and voice/data and IT support. For more information, visit ics-integration.com.

Компания RGB Spectrum — ведущий разработчик и производитель критически важных аудиовизуальных решений в режиме реального времени для гражданских, правительственных и военных организаций. Компания предлагает интегрированное оборудование, программное обеспечение и системы управления для реализации самых высоких стандартов. С 1987 года RGB Spectrum помогает своим клиентам принимать лучшие решения.Better Decisions. Faster.™