
AVI-SPL Delivers Innovative New LED Digital Signage for Tampa International Airport

Tampa Airport digital signage integration

Tampa International Airport enlisted the services of AVI-SPL, a global digital workplace services provider headquartered in Tampa, Florida, to design and integrate new public signage throughout the airport's terminals and parking areas. The airport challenged AVI-SPL to come up with a digital solution that makes navigating the airport more engaging, informative and, ultimately, easier. The project involved installing new LED display systems powered by RGB Spectrum's MediaWall® V video processors and Nanolumens LED video walls.

The video walls are installed/scheduled in multiple locations throughout the airport: the main terminal with four "Meet and Greet" lobby signs, eight baggage claim areas, a terminal "Event Wall", two parking areas, four passenger shuttles signs and a Network Operations Center (NOC) training room. These provide the public and employees with key information, such as flight schedules, baggage collection guidance, terminal directions, transportation information, advertising, and public safety messaging.

Rebecca Criswell, Account Manager for AVI-SPL explained, "Of all the solutions we looked at, we chose RGB Spectrum to provide video processing for exceptional image quality, reliability, its excellent level of support and functionality, at a cost of ownership that was extremely attractive."

The MediaWall V processors make it possible to combine visuals from a variety of sources and present them on each video wall display. Content includes the airport's Flight Information Display System, CATV feeds, advertising, weather radar, emergency notifications, and public safety messaging. The processor consolidates these various sources and displays them in windows of any size, anywhere on the LED display area. The visuals are arranged in preset display layouts relevant to the messaging requirements. Operators can instantly switch individual sources and choose from up to 60 customizable layouts.

MediaWall V's embedded architecture was ideal for the airport's 24/7 mission-critical operation. It resists hacking and tampering, protects against intrusion by malware, and avoids vulnerabilities that PC-based wall processor systems risk.

The MediaWall V processor supports all types of video walls: an image overlap capability is available for projector-based video walls, custom output timings accommodate the special resolutions of LED walls, and bezel compensation optimizes viewing with LCD video walls.

Criswell remarked, "The MediaWall V provides exceptional image quality, color reproduction and black levels. Third-party control is easy. Reliability is extremely high. Additionally, I have a comfort level that if I need support to assist a customer, I can pick up the phone and get a live person to help me almost immediately. RGB Spectrum has what it takes to support a critical airport installation."

Tampa Airport digital signage

With superior image quality, 24/7 reliability, and feature-rich capabilities, RGB Spectrum's MediaWall V processor is the ideal choice for digital signage, lobby displays, security and emergency operations centers, control rooms, command centers, traffic management facilities, and network operations centers.

AVI-SPL is a digital workplace services provider that works with organizations globally to improve team collaboration and unlock new business value. The largest provider of collaboration technology solutions, which includes its award-winning managed services, AVI-SPL's highly-trained team works hand-in-hand with organizations worldwide - including over 80% of Fortune 100 companies - to strategize, design, deploy, manage and support AV and UC solutions that are simple-to-use, scalable, serviceable, and measurable to ensure business objectives are achieved. For more information, visit avispl.com.

Компания RGB Spectrum — ведущий разработчик и производитель критически важных аудиовизуальных решений в режиме реального времени для гражданских, правительственных и военных организаций. Компания предлагает интегрированное оборудование, программное обеспечение и системы управления для реализации самых высоких стандартов. С 1987 года RGB Spectrum помогает своим клиентам принимать лучшие решения.Better Decisions. Faster.™