
MediaWall V Display Processor – Even Better than Before

MediaWall V Display Processor at InfoComm

RGB Spectrum's MediaWall V® Display Processor showed off its new and improved capabilities recently at InfoComm. The 4K-capable video wall powerhouse, combined with the MultiPoint® Express control room solution, wowed crowds with its upgraded flexibility and improved ease of use.

Enhancements included an integrated (internal) switcher, which can obviate the need for an external switcher, and the ability to feed and control three display walls simultaneously.

MediaWall V system upgrades offer increased overall performance and improvements to the user interface. The VIEW Controller for MediaWall V is now more responsive and easier to use.

People who saw it said it performed like a whole new system. If you missed it at InfoComm you should schedule a demo with your local regional sales office.

We encourage you to see MediaWall V’s many dramatic enhancements for yourself. With offices and demo centers around the world, chances are you are a short distance away from seeing the true power of the MediaWall V video wall processor in person.

Компания RGB Spectrum — ведущий разработчик и производитель критически важных аудиовизуальных решений в режиме реального времени для гражданских, правительственных и военных организаций. Компания предлагает интегрированное оборудование, программное обеспечение и системы управления для реализации самых высоких стандартов. С 1987 года RGB Spectrum помогает своим клиентам принимать лучшие решения.Better Decisions. Faster.™