Press Coverage

Mar 27, 2017
This article kicks off a new bi-weekly newsletter, where we will explore the changing technologies, products, designs, and uses of the AV “control room”...
Mar 22, 2017
Commercial Integrator
InfoComm International has introduced the APEx Advocate program, recognizing AV manufacturers that are dedicated to supporting AV integrators and design consultants...
Mar 17, 2017
Security InfoWatch
RGB Spectrum’s new Zio networked AV solution is now shipping. Introduced at InfoComm 2016, the Zio product line won ‘Best of Show’...
Nov 28, 2016
AV Network
For technology managers who need the highest level of security, a comprehensive video, audio, and data protection strategy ensures real-time delivery of video and data. Best practices include securing data with strong encryption, classifying network traffic...
Nov 11, 2016
The uncompromising high-resolution AV delivered by an end-to-end digital system isn’t just for luxe AV applications anymore...
Sep 12, 2016
AV Network
An RGB Spectrum Galileo Display Processor, powering a 15 display HD video wall, allows the Park Meadows TMC to view CCTV feeds from the Colorado Department of Transportation, as well as from satellite TMCs in the region...
Sep 2, 2016
AV Network
These days, no self-respecting website designer creates sites without taking mobile devices into consideration. The same could—or should—be said for those charged with designing control rooms...
Aug 11, 2016
Security InfoWatch
The aim of systems integration is to allow disparate systems to communicate with each other and be controlled in a unified manner...
Aug 2, 2016
Security Sales & Integration
Keeping video surveillance networks secure can be a daunting task, but there are several methods that systems integrators can use to greatly reduce the risk for their customers...
Mar 6, 2016
Military Embedded Systems
From RGB Spectrum, the QuadViewUHD is a quad-screen splitter and presentation-switcher scaler designed for displaying as many as four sources simultaneously on a single screen in a variety of layouts.



Современное сетевое AV оборудование

Данный вебинар с участием COO компании RGB Spectrum г-на Скотта Нордера посвящен проблемам использования AV/IT-решений, способам преодоления разногласий между отделами и планированию будущих интеграций.