Press Coverage

Jan 28, 2016
Commercial Integrator
As IP camera use increases, their utility for purposes such as safety monitoring, industrial operations monitoring, traffic monitoring and general situational awareness increases as well...
Jan 4, 2016
4K UHD resolution offers considerable value in control room environments. These nine considerations will help you get the most out of the technology when using it in existing wall displays...
Dec 16, 2015
VAR Insights
High-quality video wall systems display a range of visuals with eye-catching impact. From emergency management facilities to mission control rooms, government and military IT teams are deploying video wall systems...
Dec 8, 2015
Government Video
High-quality video wall systems display a range of visuals with eye-catching impact. From emergency management facilities to mission control rooms, government IT teams are deploying video wall systems in a range of applications that include...
Nov 10, 2015
Sound & Video Contractor
When you have a spacecraft flying by a planet there’s no time for a video system failure, so NASA recently outfitted its new Payload Operations Center with new video display routing...



Современное сетевое AV оборудование

Данный вебинар с участием COO компании RGB Spectrum г-на Скотта Нордера посвящен проблемам использования AV/IT-решений, способам преодоления разногласий между отделами и планированию будущих интеграций.